Your voice matters.
The PKCensus 20 survey will help compile conclusive data about parkour and its practitioners globally in order to shape different aspects of our culture and practice. The anonymous data collected from the census will help determine the direction of our efforts and how we can best serve as a voice for the parkour communities worldwide and will also be available to individuals, businesses, and organizations within parkour to help direct and grow their respective programs and initiatives.
When can I complete the census survey?
As soon as you are able to complete the survey. The census survey is online as of 5/12/2020 and will close 12/31/2020.
Who can participate in the census?
Everyone who is involved in parkour worldwide. The more people who participate, the more we will know about the current state of our discipline. We ask that you take a few moments to share the census with those you know.
What kind of data is collected?
Who trains parkour, where they are located, how many are in an established community, individual training history, individual practices, beliefs, and monetary investments.
What happens to my responses?
We take our responsibility to protect your information very seriously. We will not publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you and your responses will only be used to produce statistics. If you respond, all web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy, and all personal/identifiable data will be removed upon processing. For more information, view our Privacy Policy.
Will my personal information be disclosed to other agencies?
No. Your information is completely confidential and will not be shared with any other individuals, agencies, organizations or entities. Statistics compiled from your data will be available to third-parties.
Is the census form available in other languages?
Currently, the census form is only available in English, but feel free to translate it via Google Translate and respond accordingly.