A Colorado Storm

After a solid weeks work and relaxation in Colorado Springs, I got a chance to catch up with the Storm on our drive back through Boulder. Fortunately, it wasn’t actually storming, the lads were just in from London on a visit. Unfortunately, I was still injured and awaiting surgery, so I decided to ride this Storm out and capture the adventure instead.

We played around at a small spot on CU Boulder campus for some time, but the lads were eager to climb, so Brandon Douglass led us to a secluded space with a rock wall and I-beams looming above. Brandon and Eric Moor led the charge up the wall as Joseph Henderson, Kie Willis, Lynn Jung, and I caught up below as we played with this hefty dyno that was well out of our reach.

Soon after, the rest of the party joined the ascent and began getting acquainted with the space above. Brandon, who had already been familiar with this place, hits an arm jump from the lone I-beam to the opposing wall after pacing back and forth on the beam for some time.

Then as quickly as the Storm came, it had passed, but not before ripping through a food court on Pearl Street, sweeping away all the Asian food in sight.

Photos © Andrew Obenreder

Follow Andrew Obenreder on Instagram and see more of his work on his website. Follow Storm on Instagram and see more on their website.

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