I was on the road to California with the TryHard boys and we stopped in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was our first time there and the spots were insane. Seriously, if you’re in the States and haven’t been, go. We warmed up at this spot where everyone hit this kong pre. After going to a bunch of other spots and training all day, we had to continue driving and headed back to the car. Along the way, we passed this spot again, and I asked Lieb to hit the kong pre for a photo. Turned out to be my favorite shot from this roll.

As usual, we couldn’t miss the opportunity to train at new spots, so on the same road trip to California, we stopped in Arizona. Obviously, we wanted to climb to the top of this structure when we first saw it, so we did. Rather than taking the classic “GOHSSHWA” (Getting On Top of High Stuff and Standing, Hanging or Walking Around) picture of Elijah standing on top, I told him to precision across the bottom ledge.

On one of our rest days, we went down to a beach without realizing it was a nude beach. Of course, right as I got my camera out, some naked dude casually walked by stroking it. After sending some Snaps of the dude to our friends, Aidan and I went down near the shoreline and shot a few photos. It was crazy bright outside and I was worried the photos would be overexposed, but after trying a few different things, I had to hope for the best. When the roll finally got developed, most of them were properly exposed.

Venice Beach is always filled with tourists but I wanted to get just Lieb and the bars in one photo without anyone else. Elijah and Lieb seshed the bars and I waited back until the sidewalk was clear. I don’t even know what to call this – it was kind of like a pike outward side off of the bar.

Nate Weston and Lincoln Powell came to Boulder to train and hang out so we went to the classic Pearl Street parking garage because Nate wanted to hit the descent. It was right around sunset and the light was coming through a couple of buildings. Elijah and I tried the lower descents and got some good ones.

Nate practiced this descent a couple of times and then went to the top for the full thing. I thought I found a prime spot to take photos of his first attempt, but they all turned out terrible. This shot was from the second time he did the descent and I like it more.

Cali was a wild one.
Photos © Casey Wilson.
Follow Casey Wilson on Instagram and the TryHard Collective on Instagram and Facebook.