Underdogs X Mau Wow

So who the fuck are you? I mean, I already know, but tell the world.

I am Mauricio López (Mau Wow), 25 years old and live in Mexico City.

How long have you been training?

8 years ( February 2007).

So what about your training? What makes you tick?

I only have one ideology: learning to recognize what my body is trying to tell me, that way you are able to know what you are ready to do and what would really be dangerous. Through this way of thinking we can get rid of that fear that paralyzes us and prevents us from going forward and, more often than not, we believe that that fear is our body telling us that it is not ready to do that movement yet. If we learn how to tell these two kinds of fear apart, dealing with them becomes much easier. We should not let our mind inject us with fear, but we should only pay attention to the kind of fear that comes from instinct and that is the kind of fear that we need to pay attention to.

You have a very unique style of movement. What brought you to move the way you do?

The style I developed came from how much I enjoy training on bars. I love the movements that can be done on them and therefore I spend most of my time training in that environment.

If you could give advice to others about developing themselves through movement, what would you tell them?

I would simply state that my ideology is present in every single thing that I do, not only in my parkour training.

I feel I have a pretty good idea on this one already, but what would your ideal training spot look like?

Any place that there are walls of different heights mixed with bars. Places like those exist, but none of them are in Mexico City.

If you could train with any 3 people anywhere in the world, who would it be and where?

I think the first would be Daniel Ilabaca. I have already trained with him and I would like to do that as many times as I can! I would also like to train with Oleg Vorslav, since he was one of the first athletes that I saw training in bars. The last one would be Blue because I think he has got mas power!

The places that I really want to train at someday are the Getafe parkour park in Madrid and at the Tempest Academy.

Favorite kicks? What are you rockin now’adays?

For the last two years, I have been wearing the Adidas Dragon. Their grip is great and the sole is quite thin, which makes them really useful when it comes to improving technique.

I enjoy the fact that every time we train, you bring that portable speaker so that we can jam out while we’re jammin out. That being said, who are some of your favorite artists?

I really like Kanye West, Kid Cudi, Travis Scott, A$AP Rocky, Action Bronson, Drake, Big Sean, and some others of similar genre.

Before parkour?

I went to the gym and I jogged just to stay fit.

And what about things not parkour? Does any of that happen?

Aside from doing parkour, I set up a restaurant with my girlfriend and her family. I love going to the movies, playing video games, and collecting sneakers.

Where do you see yourself at in 5 years? What is Mau doing with his life?

I see myself as a stronger person and, of course, still training and further developing my abilities. I could also see myself sharing my knowledge with others in a training space of my own.

So far, I’ve really enjoyed my time here with the Mexican community. Sure, I feel every community has it’s ups and downs, but what are your thoughts?

I think the parkour community in Mexico has grown a lot, but we are still lacking when it comes to sharing. I would like to train more with many of the athletes that are here in Mexico in order to learn from them, while I also sharing my knowledge. I think we can all grow that way.

So what do you have going on right now in life? And right this second?

I am focused on training, on creating a better home for my girlfriend and I, and on working hard on our new family business. Mmmm, I’m in the bathroom.

Last question. Where is Mau heading next? Have anything planned we should keep our eyes open for?

My only short-term plan, in regards to parkour, is to keep on training and to share and learn from the people around me.

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