Things Got Weird At TIT

The parkour community is a strange phenomenon. What we do and share somehow manages to instantaneously connect people from all over the world like old friends who haven’t crossed paths in years. When you run into each other, it’s in a Walmart, where instead of catching up, decide to have mid-aisle ball fights and then use massive stockpiles of water bottles as a communal swimming pool. And chances are, you’ve never met this person in real life until that day. Or you’ve never met them, but you know in your heart that they are actually an alien who abducted you once.

Take hundreds of these individuals, place them in a beautifully secluded camp in Colorado Springs, mix in a good cause, educational opportunities, some emotionally charged moments and give them a full week to connect. The result: T.I.T. Jam.

A place filled with everything from late-night, heart-wrenching campfire tales to deep throating bananas and throwing dub sides. It’s beautiful, it’s weird, and we’re glad we were there to experience it.

Photos © Andrew Obenreder // Colten Sweeney // Sean Endres // Austin Farmer // Thad Swift

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